Call to Order
President Dennis Riddlemoser called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm.
Members in Attendance
Dennis Riddlemoser
Gwen Carlson
Cean Embrey
Kate FitzPatrick
Suzy Remmert
Ellen Hemm
Old Business
Dennis asked the board to vote on a request from Jonathan Wentz to post his information about his participation at the World Equestrian Games on the ADU website. The board voted to allow this posting on the ADU website.
Action: Add this statement to ADU website: Jonathan Wentz a Region 9 Para Olympian from Dallas, Texas has qualified for the World Equestrian Games. To read more about Jonathan’s accomplishment simply click on the link below.
Education Team – Cean Embrey
- Carol & Cean have a goal for next year to try and get more of the ADU educational functions approved for USDF University credit. This will further promote ADU's dressage educational goals for our members as well as make our events even more attractive to attend.
- Dressage Simulator – November 13, 2010 at Annual Membership Party and Graduation. They will offer party short sessions (10-15 min) for a reduced fee that night and full training sessions (45 min) thereafter at Oakhaven then at Timber Ghost. Carol and Cean will contact USDF to attempt to obtain USDF University accreditation for the event.
- ADU received a $1,000 grant from the Dressage Foundation's Violet Hopkins Fund to host the event.
- Expenses will be minimal for the event (compared to most major educational events), and the board discussed the recommended cost for members versus non-members
- ADU Dinner & DVD Night Sunday, August 22, 2010 at the home of Alida Darlington, Emerald Meadows 700 County Road 105 Hutto, Texas 78634
- ADU University update – No update
- Judge’s Seminar February 19th and February 20th, 2011
- Georgetown Public Library
- Speaker - Maryall Barnett
- Because the Dressage tests are changing in 2011 several member associations are hosting a similar event so ADU will need to offer something different to encourage attendance.
Financial Team – Robin Whittenbaugh
- ADU is officially a tax exempt 501 3 C per the IRS rules
Show Team – Lori Snyder & Jenna Stern
Communication Team
- Communication Team is working on policies and procedures for the team and will report to the board next month or via email regarding the following policies:
- ADU Emails
- ADU Calendar
- ADU Website
Forest Horse Books has expressed an interest in possibly offering a discount for ADU members and the board discussed the idea of posting the business' web site information on the ADU website.
A discussion by the board followed about what links to allow on the web site, and the board members asked that the Communication Team consider the level of commitment when posting links.
Special Projects Team
- Annual Membership Party and Graduation – November 13, 2010 at Oakhaven in Driftwood
- Silent Auction -Kate and Suzy discussed the silent auction and Dennis said that Lauren Kuhnel is willing to assist with the silent auction. Will need more team members to assist with the committee
- Racewood Dressage Simulator will be available for members and guests for a fee at the party and graduation
- Set up and Clean up
- Tables and chairs
- Dinner – Caterer recommendations - Pok-e-Jo’s or Salt Lick BBQ
- Band – Confirmed
- Designate a page on the web site specifically for Annual Party/Graduation and Dressage Simulator
- Grand Prix Demo or Freestyle Demo
- Action: Next weekly email send out request for volunteers for silent auction and membership party/graduation assistance needed with
- Silent Auction
- Set up and Clean up
- Decorations and Decorating
- Decision regarding caterer
- Communication and publicizing event
Executive Team
Fundraising Team
- Kate Bremner from Forest Horse is willing to sell the ADU cookbook on her web site
- Action: Suzy agreed to contact Kate to add information to her web site
- A board member will take books to Kate at the next opportunity.
Sending a Delegate to the USDF Convention
- The board discussed sending an ADU member to the USDF Convention and but there was no motion to send a delegate this year.
Discussion on P&PS
- Action: Send examples of templates to all board members Policies and procedure – The board asked if Lynn could send out a template that she identified as a best practice. The board would like to have all policies completed by the end of 2010.
Voting for Executive Team and Financial Team
- Each Executive Director will serve a 3-year term
- Financial Team serves for 2 years
- If Kay needs to step down, we will need appoint a nomination committee
- The board shall select nomination committee by August 31, 2010
- Action: Dennis will contact Kay to ask if she plans to step down from her position by the end of this year.
Next Meeting Date
Wednesday, September 15th at 6:30 pm